Kia Optima: Description and Operation - Clutch & Brake - Automatic Transaxle System - Kia Optima TF 2011-2024 Service ManualKia Optima: Description and Operation


The 6-spd automatic transaxle consists of an overdrive clutch (OD/C), a one-way clutch (OWC), a lower and reverse brake (LR/B), an underdrive brake (UD/B), a 26 brake (26/B), and a 35R clutch (35R/C). These clutches and brakes are operated by controlling the hydraulic pressure.
Clutch & Brake

Components and Components Location
Components Location 1. Overdrive clutch (OD/C) 2. One way clutch (OWC) 3. Low & Reverse brake (LR/B) 4. Underdrive brake (UD/B) 5. 26 brake(26/B) 6. 35R cl ...

See also:

Camshaft. Repair procedures

To Reset at a Slower Speed
1. Press the COAST/SET switch and hold it. While the switch is pressed, the vehicle speed will gradually decrease. 2. When the desired speed is obtained, release the COAST/SET switch. ✽ N ...

Do not lie down
To reduce the chance of injuries in the event of an accident and to achieve maximum effectiveness of the restraint system, all passengers should be sitting up and the front seats should be in an u ...

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