Kia Optima: Components and Components Location - Clutch & Brake - Automatic Transaxle System - Kia Optima TF 2011-2024 Service ManualKia Optima: Components and Components Location

Components Location

1. Overdrive clutch (OD/C)
2. One way clutch (OWC)
3. Low & Reverse brake (LR/B)
4. Underdrive brake (UD/B)
5. 26 brake(26/B)
6. 35R clutch (35R/C)
7. Damper clutch (D/C)

Description and Operation
Description The 6-spd automatic transaxle consists of an overdrive clutch (OD/C), a one-way clutch (OWC), a lower and reverse brake (LR/B), an underdrive brake (UD/B), a 26 brake (26/B), and a 35 ...

Flow Diagram
Power Flow Chart P,N UD/B LR/B 26/B 35R/C OD/C OWC ● ...

See also:

Water pump. Repair procedures

Escort welcome (if equipped)
When the headlight(light switch in the headlight or AUTO position) is on and all doors (and trunk) are locked and closed, the position light and headlight will come on for 15 seconds if any of the ...

Storage compartment
These compartments can be used to store small items. CAUTION To avoid possible theft, do not leave valuables in the storage compartment. Always keep the storage compartment covers closed while ...

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